About therapy

Therapy is for anyone, at any time in your life, in any circumstance.

Every therapist talks about therapy in a slightly different way, which perhaps reflects how individual and personal the experience of therapy is (and also, how much therapists love talking about therapy!).

I would describe therapy as a highly effective (the stats say about 75% of people would recommend therapy after having it) collaboration focussed on helping you better understand your relationship with yourself, with the important people around you, and with the world you live in.

Once you can see these aspects of your life more clearly, it becomes much more possible to make the meaningful changes you’re looking for within them. And, change really is possible - you absolutely can live a life that fits you better.

Whether you’re having a tough time now and want someone in your corner, or you’re feeling uncertain about what you want from life, or you’re overwhelmed by the impact of just trying to get by in the world as it is today - there are no entry requirements to the therapy room:

if you want a place to talk, therapy is here for you.

Online therapy

All my sessions are online. Online therapy is very similar to in-person therapy, and particularly offers:


Being able to work with the therapist that feels right for you is essential. Online therapy prevents your choice of therapist being limited to practitioners that you can physically access. You are more free to choose what matters to you in a therapist, without having to factor in travel and other accessibility factors.


With online therapy, I can meet you wherever you are - it is entirely flexible around your location.


You create your own therapy space. If you want to pick a book off a shelf and read something out in the middle of a session, or to have your pet with you, or to have a session while you're out walking in the park, the door is open for us.


  • I offer weekly sessions, with each appointment lasting 50 minutes. We will usually meet at the same time every week.

  • This will be up to you. I offer open-ended therapy, so there’s no set amount of sessions we have to stick to - you’re able to choose what feels right for you, and to figure the timeline out as we go.

  • My fees are on a sliding scale between £65 and £90 per 50-minute session. You choose your own rate within this sliding scale.

    I offer an initial session at a reduced fee of £55.

    I also offer low-cost appointments, so you're very welcome to get in touch if you would like to ask me about these.

  • If you'd like to get in touch with me, the best way to do so is via email. I will aim to respond to you by the end of the next working day. I respond to every email I receive, so please check your spam folder if you're waiting to hear from me.

    When getting in touch, there is nothing particular that you need to tell me - you can say whatever you feel comfortable saying. It would be helpful if you could let me know what your availability for sessions with me would be, so that I can see whether I am able to offer you an initial session at a suitable time and date.

  • An initial session is a chance for us to get to know each other a little - to get a sense of what brought you to get in touch, and to see whether we might be a good fit for working together.

    There’s no set structure to an initial session - we can make time for anything you think is important to include. Often, this might be hearing about what's going on in your life at the moment, and learning a bit about your history too. We will have a chance to discuss any questions you might have about how therapy works, and how I work specifically. We may also talk about any goals you have for your therapy.

    An initial session is the same length of time as all my sessions - 50 minutes - with a reduced fee of £55.